A1620.[COCI-2020-2021-olympiad]#4 MalnaRISC







It’s early in the morning and Croatian IOI team is starting to assemble at the Zagreb airport. The trip is long with the final destination being Singapore with a layover in Amsterdam. Mr. Malar drank the last drop of his grapefruit-based beverage and ordered the team to proceed to the gate. As it usually happens, he disappeared after the security check and somehow managed to show up just a few minutes before boarding.
Olympian 1: Where were you?! I swear you’re gonna miss the next flight if you keep doing this.
Mr. Malnar: It’s not my fault this time, the security wouldn’t let me through. They thought I might be a terrorist.
Olympian 2: A terrorist?! You wouldn’t hurt a fly. What happened?
Mr. Malnar: Ah, they found MalnaRISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) and refused to believe me that I am capable of building my own processor. They let me go once I explained how efficient it is at sorting integers.
Olympian 3: I also wouldn’t believe you. As a matter of fact, I still don’t. What makes your processor so interesting?
Mr. Malnar: You are members of our national IOI team, I shouldn’t need to explain anything to you.
Here is the documentation, figure it out yourselves.
Olympian 4: Give that to me, I’ll solve this year’s COI on it using the assembly.
The assembly language for MalnaRISC contains a single instruction:
• CMPSWP Ri Rj – swaps the values in registers Ri and Rj if Ri > Rj holds.
What’s special about MalnaRISC is that all instructions written in the same line will execute in parallel during a single nanosecond. Naturally, each register can only be used at most once as an argument in a single line.
It is known that registers R1, R2, . . . , RN contain some integers. Write an efficient code in assembly that sorts these values in non-descending order.


The only line contains an integer N from the task description.


Output an integer t into the first line denoting the execution time of your program (in nanoseconds).
In the next t lines output the assembly code that sorts the values in the N registers. Each line should contain at least one instruction, and each register should only be mentioned once in a single line. Each instruction needs to be of the form "CMPSWP Ri Rj" (1 ≤ i, j ≤ N), and the instructions in a single line need to be separated by a single space character.


  • 输入#1



    CMPSWP R1 R2
  • 输入#2



    CMPSWP R1 R2
    CMPSWP R1 R3
    CMPSWP R2 R3


Subtask N t1 t2 t3 Points
1 8 28 12 6 10
2 13 78 22 10 10
3 16 120 28 10 10
4 32 496 60 15 10
5 53 1378 102 21 10
6 64 2016 124 21 10
7 73 2628 142 28 10
8 82 3321 160 28 10
9 91 4095 178 29 10
10 100 4950 196 30 10
If you have outputted a correct program on some subtask that correctly sorts the values in registers in t
nanoseconds, your solutions will be scored according to the following expression:
points(t) =

0 t > t1
1 + 2
t1 ≥ t > t2
3 + 7(t2−t+1)
t2 ≥ t > t3
10 t3 ≥ t
The points for each subtask will be rounded to two decimal places. The total scored is obtained by
summing these points and rounding that sum in the same manner.
